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7 Interactions found for:

hydrochlorothiazide and Aspirin Low Strength
Interactions Summary
  • 4 Major
  • 2 Moderate
  • 1 Minor
  • hydrochlorothiazide
  • Aspirin Low Strength

Drug Interactions

No drug interactions were found for selected drugs: hydrochlorothiazide, Aspirin Low Strength.

This does not necessarily mean no interactions exist. Always consult your healthcare provider.

Drug and Food Interactions

Aspirin Low Strength + Food

The following applies to the ingredients: Aspirin (found in Aspirin Low Strength)

GENERALLY AVOID: The concurrent use of aspirin or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and ethanol may lead to gastrointestinal (GI) blood loss. The mechanism may be due to a combined local effect as well as inhibition of prostaglandins leading to decreased integrity of the GI lining.

MANAGEMENT: Patients should be counseled on this potential interaction and advised to refrain from alcohol consumption while taking aspirin or NSAIDs.


  1. "Product Information. Motrin (ibuprofen)." Pharmacia and Upjohn PROD (2002):

Hydrochlorothiazide + Food

The following applies to the ingredients: Hydrochlorothiazide

MONITOR: Many psychotherapeutic and CNS-active agents (e.g., anxiolytics, sedatives, hypnotics, antidepressants, antipsychotics, opioids, alcohol, muscle relaxants) exhibit hypotensive effects, especially during initiation of therapy and dose escalation. Coadministration with antihypertensives and other hypotensive agents, in particular vasodilators and alpha-blockers, may result in additive effects on blood pressure and orthostasis.

MANAGEMENT: Caution and close monitoring for development of hypotension is advised during coadministration of these agents. Some authorities recommend avoiding alcohol in patients receiving vasodilating antihypertensive drugs. Patients should be advised to avoid rising abruptly from a sitting or recumbent position and to notify their physician if they experience dizziness, lightheadedness, syncope, orthostasis, or tachycardia.


  1. Sternbach H "Fluoxetine-associated potentiation of calcium-channel blockers." J Clin Psychopharmacol 11 (1991): 390-1
  2. Shook TL, Kirshenbaum JM, Hundley RF, Shorey JM, Lamas GA "Ethanol intoxication complicating intravenous nitroglycerin therapy." Ann Intern Med 101 (1984): 498-9
  3. Feder R "Bradycardia and syncope induced by fluoxetine." J Clin Psychiatry 52 (1991): 139
  4. Ellison JM, Milofsky JE, Ely E "Fluoxetine-induced bradycardia and syncope in two patients." J Clin Psychiatry 51 (1990): 385-6
  5. Rodriguez de la Torre B, Dreher J, Malevany I, et al. "Serum levels and cardiovascular effects of tricyclic antidepressants and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in depressed patients." Ther Drug Monit 23 (2001): 435-40
  6. Cerner Multum, Inc. "Australian Product Information." O 0
  7. Pacher P, Kecskemeti V "Cardiovascular side effects of new antidepressants and antipsychotics: new drugs, old concerns?" Curr Pharm Des 10 (2004): 2463-75
  8. Andrews C, Pinner G "Postural hypotension induced by paroxetine." BMJ 316 (1998): 595

Aspirin Low Strength + Food

The following applies to the ingredients: Aspirin (found in Aspirin Low Strength)

One study has reported that coadministration of caffeine and aspirin lead to a 25% increase in the rate of appearance and 17% increase in maximum concentration of salicylate in the plasma. A significantly higher area under the plasma concentration time curve of salicylate was also reported when both drugs were administered together. The exact mechanism of this interaction has not been specified. Physicians and patients should be aware that coadministration of aspirin and caffeine may lead to higher salicylate levels faster.


  1. Yoovathaworn KC, Sriwatanakul K, Thithapandha A "Influence of caffeine on aspirin pharmacokinetics." Eur J Drug Metab Pharmacokinet 11 (1986): 71-6

Drug and Pregnancy Interactions

The following applies to the ingredients: Aspirin (found in Aspirin Low Strength)

100 mg/day or less: Use with caution
Greater than 100 mg/day: NSAIDs should be avoided at 20 weeks gestation and later

AU TGA pregnancy category: C
US FDA pregnancy category: Not Assigned

Risk Summary: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) use in pregnant women at 30 weeks gestation and later may cause premature closure of the fetal ductus arteriosus; NSAID use at 20 weeks gestation or later may cause fetal renal dysfunction leading to oligohydramnios and, in some cases, neonatal renal impairment.

-Guidelines recommend low-dose aspirin prophylaxis (e.g., 81 mg/day) in women at high risk of preeclampsia; initiation should be between 12- and 28-weeks gestation (optimally before 16 weeks) and continued until delivery; the use aspirin at 81 mg/day dose for certain pregnancy-related conditions at any point in pregnancy is an exception to the FDA recommendations to avoid use of NSAIDs in pregnancy at 20 weeks or later.
-If NSAID use is necessary between 20- and 30-weeks' gestation, limit use to the lowest effective dose for the shortest duration possible; ultrasound monitoring of amniotic fluid should be considered if NSAID use extends beyond 48 hours; if oligohydramnios occurs, discontinue NSAID and treat appropriately.
-NSAID use is not recommended in women attempting to conceive as it may impair female fertility.

In animals, prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors have been shown to increase pre and post-implantation loss and embryo-fetal lethality. Epidemiologic studies suggest increased risk of miscarriage, cardiac malformations, and gastroschisis when used early in pregnancy; the absolute risk of cardiovascular malformations increased from less than 1% to up to approximately 1.5%. The risk is believed to increase with dose and duration of therapy.

Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) is a NSAID that inhibits cyclooxygenase (COX) isoenzymes 1 and 2. The effect on COX isoenzymes is dose-dependent with lower doses (60 to 150 mg) inhibiting platelet synthesis while higher doses results in inhibition of both COX-1 and COX-2 blocking all prostaglandin production. Low-dose aspirin has been used during pregnancy to prevent or delay the onset of preeclampsia. Daily low-dose aspirin has been shown to be associated with a low likelihood of serious maternal, or fetal complications. Guidelines should be consulted for specific use.

During the third trimester of pregnancy, administration of COX-1 and COX-2 blocking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may cause premature closure of the fetal ductus arteriosus, oligohydramnios, fetal renal impairment, pulmonary hypertension, and prolongation of bleeding time. There are no controlled data in human pregnancy.

US FDA Drug Safety Communication (10-2020): The FDA is requiring a new warning be added to NSAID labeling describing the risk of fetal kidney problems that may result in low amniotic fluid. The FDA is recommending pregnant women avoid NSAID use at 20 weeks gestation or later; the use aspirin at 81 mg/day dose for certain pregnancy-related conditions at any point in pregnancy is an exception. Through 2017, the FDA has received 35 reports of low amniotic fluid levels or kidney problems in mothers who took NSAIDs while pregnant. Five newborns died; 2 had kidney failure and confirmed low amniotic fluid, 3 had kidney failure without confirmed low amniotic fluid. The low amniotic fluid started as early as 20 weeks of pregnancy. There were 11 reports of low amniotic fluid levels during pregnancy and the fluid volume returned to normal after the NSAID was stopped. The medical literature has reported low amniotic fluid levels with use of NSAIDs for varying amounts of time, ranging from 48 hours to multiple weeks. Complications of prolonged oligohydramnios may include limb contractures and delayed lung maturation. In some postmarketing cases of impaired neonatal renal function, invasive procedures such as exchange transfusion or dialysis were required. In other cases, the condition was reversible within 3 to 6 days of stopping the NSAID and in these cases reappeared when the same NSAID was restarted.

Administration during labor and delivery is not recommended as the onset of labor may be delayed and duration increased with greater bleeding tendency in mother and child.

A study of the use of low-dose aspirin (60 mg per day) to prevent and treat preeclampsia in 9364 pregnant women (the Collaborative Low-dose Aspirin Study in Pregnancy--CLASP) did "not support routine prophylactic or therapeutic administration of antiplatelet therapy in pregnancy to all women at increased risk of preeclampsia or IUGR." In that study, no excess of intraventricular hemorrhage, neonatal bleeds, or mortality attributable to bleeding were observed. The investigators did identify a possible role for low-dose aspirin in the treatment of early-onset preeclampsia severe enough to need very preterm delivery.

AU TGA pregnancy category C: Drugs which, owing to their pharmacological effects, have caused or may be suspected of causing, harmful effects on the human fetus or neonate without causing malformations. These effects may be reversible. Accompanying texts should be consulted for further details.

US FDA pregnancy category Not Assigned: The US FDA has amended the pregnancy labeling rule for prescription drug products to require labeling that includes a summary of risk, a discussion of the data supporting that summary, and relevant information to help health care providers make prescribing decisions and counsel women about the use of drugs during pregnancy. Pregnancy categories A, B, C, D, and X are being phased out.


  1. "Clasp: a randomised trial lf low-dose aspirin for the prevention and treatment of pre-eclampsia among 9364 pregnant women." Lancet 343 (1994): 619-29
  2. Cerner Multum, Inc. "UK Summary of Product Characteristics." O 0
  3. Cerner Multum, Inc. "Australian Product Information." O 0
  5. Committee on Obstetric Practice Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine "ACOG Committee Opinion No. 743: Low-dose aspirin use during pregnancy." Obstet Gynecol 132 (2018): e44-e52

The following applies to the ingredients: Hydrochlorothiazide

The manufacturer recommends that hydrochlorothiazide should be used during pregnancy only if the potential benefit outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

AU TGA pregnancy category: C
US FDA pregnancy category: B

The routine use of diuretics during pregnancy is not indicated or recommended.

Animal studies have failed to reveal evidence of fetal harm. There are no data from controlled human studies, but retrospective reviews have shown an increased risk of malformations associated with thiazide diuretics. In addition, use of thiazide diuretics during pregnancy has been associated with fetal or neonatal electrolyte abnormalities, jaundice, and/or thrombocytopenia.

The Collaborative Perinatal Project monitored 50,282 mother-child pairs, of whom 233 were exposed to thiazide or related diuretics during the first trimester. An increased risk of malformations was found for thiazide diuretics. Use of thiazides after the first trimester does not seem to carry this risk. Thiazide diuretics may, however pose metabolic risks to the mother and fetus (hyponatremia, hypokalemia, thrombocytopenia, hyperglycemia), and may have a direct effect on smooth muscle, resulting in inhibition of labour.

Data from the U.S. Michigan Medicaid Birth Defects Study has revealed an association between the use of hydrochlorothiazide and congenital abnormalities. This was a retrospective study of 229,101 completed pregnancies between 1985 and 1992, of which 567 were exposed to hydrochlorothiazide at some time during the first trimester, and 1,173 were exposed to the drug at any time during pregnancy. Of the 567 pregnancies, there were 24 total and 7 cardiovascular birth defects (22 and 6 were expected, respectively). There were no observations of cleft palate, spina bifida, limb reduction, or hypospadias. The one instance of polydactyly did not achieve statistical significance. These data are consistent with an association between the use of hydrochlorothiazide and birth defects, although other factors, including underlying disease(s) of the mother are not accounted for.

Cases of neonatal thrombocytopenia associated with antepartum administration of thiazide diuretics have been reported.

AU TGA pregnancy category C: Drugs which, owing to their pharmacological effects, have caused or may be suspected of causing, harmful effects on the human fetus or neonate without causing malformations. These effects may be reversible. Accompanying texts should be consulted for further details.

US FDA pregnancy category B: Animal reproduction studies have failed to demonstrate a risk to the fetus and there are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women.


  1. Heinonen O, Shapiro S; Kaufman DW ed., Slone D "Birth Defects and Drugs in Pregnancy." Littleton, MA: Publishing Sciences Group, Inc. (1977): 297
  2. Rodriguez SU, Sanford LL, Hiller MC "Neonatal thrombocytopenia associated with ante-partum administration of thiazide drugs." N Engl J Med 270 (1964): 881-4
  3. Lindheimer MD, Katz AI "Sodiuim and diuretics in pregnancy." N Engl J Med 288 (1973): 891-4
  4. Cerner Multum, Inc. "UK Summary of Product Characteristics." O 0
  5. Pharmaceutical Society of Australia "APPGuide online. Australian prescription products guide online." (2006):
  6. Cerner Multum, Inc. "Australian Product Information." O 0

Drug and Breastfeeding Interactions

The following applies to the ingredients: Aspirin (found in Aspirin Low Strength)

Benefit should outweigh risk

Excreted into human milk: Yes

-This drug appears compatible with breastfeeding for occasional use and in low doses for anti-thrombosis; however, repeated use in normal doses and long-term use, especially in high doses should be avoided.
-Breastfed infants should be monitored for hemolysis, prolonged bleeding time, and metabolic acidosis.

This drug is excreted in human milk in small amounts. Low dose aspirin (75 to 162 mg/day) is considered by many experts to be compatible with breastfeeding. Peak milk salicylate levels have been reported up to 9 hours after maternal dosing with peak levels generally occurring 2 to 6 hours after nursing. Large doses may result in rashes, platelet abnormalities, and bleeding in nursing infants. Long-term, high dose maternal use was associated with 1 case of metabolic acidosis in breastfed infant. The risk for Reye's syndrome in infants with viral infections is unknown.


  1. Cerner Multum, Inc. "UK Summary of Product Characteristics." O 0
  2. United States National Library of Medicine "Toxnet. Toxicology Data Network." (2013):
  3. Department of Adolescent and Child Health and Development. UNICEF. World Health Organization "Breastfeeding and maternal medication: recommendations for drugs in the eleventh Who model list of essential drugs." (2014):

The following applies to the ingredients: Hydrochlorothiazide

Manufacturer recommendation: Use is not recommended and a decision should be made to discontinue breastfeeding or discontinue the drug, taking into account the importance of the drug to the mother.

Excreted into human milk: Yes

According to LactMed this drug has been used without apparent harmful effects in the nursing infant at doses of 50 mg daily or less. Large doses may cause intense diuresis resulting in a decrease in breastmilk production.


  1. "Product Information. HydroDIURIL (hydrochlorothiazide)." Merck & Co., Inc PROD (2002):
  2. Cerner Multum, Inc. "Australian Product Information." O 0
  3. United States National Library of Medicine "Toxnet. Toxicology Data Network." (2013):

Therapeutic Duplication Warnings

No warnings were found for your selected drugs.

Therapeutic duplication warnings are only returned when drugs within the same group exceed the recommended therapeutic duplication maximum.

Switch to: Consumer Interactions

Drug Interaction Classification

These classifications are only a guideline. The relevance of a particular drug interaction to a specific individual is difficult to determine. Always consult your healthcare provider before starting or stopping any medication.

Major Highly clinically significant. Avoid combinations; the risk of the interaction outweighs the benefit.
Moderate Moderately clinically significant. Usually avoid combinations; use it only under special circumstances.
Minor Minimally clinically significant. Minimize risk; assess risk and consider an alternative drug, take steps to circumvent the interaction risk and/or institute a monitoring plan.
Unknown No interaction information available.

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