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7 Interactions found for:

Ventolin HFA and trazodone
Interactions Summary
  • 4 Major
  • 3 Moderate
  • 0 Minor
  • Ventolin HFA
  • trazodone

Drug Interactions

Trazodone + Ventolin Hfa

The following applies to the ingredients: Trazodone and Albuterol (found in Ventolin Hfa)

MONITOR: Beta-2 adrenergic agonists can cause dose-related prolongation of the QT interval and potassium loss. Theoretically, coadministration with other agents that can prolong the QT interval may result in additive effects and increased risk of ventricular arrhythmias including torsade de pointes and sudden death. In general, the risk of an individual agent or a combination of agents causing ventricular arrhythmia in association with QT prolongation is largely unpredictable but may be increased by certain underlying risk factors such as congenital long QT syndrome, cardiac disease, and electrolyte disturbances (e.g., hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia). In addition, the extent of drug-induced QT prolongation is dependent on the particular drug(s) involved and dosage(s) of the drug(s). Clinically significant prolongation of QT interval and hypokalemia occur infrequently when beta-2 agonists are inhaled at normally recommended dosages. However, these effects may be more common when the drugs are administered systemically or when recommended dosages are exceeded.

MANAGEMENT: Caution is recommended if beta-2 agonists are used in combination with other drugs that can prolong the QT interval. Patients should be advised to seek prompt medical attention if they experience symptoms that could indicate the occurrence of torsade de pointes such as dizziness, lightheadedness, fainting, palpitation, irregular heart rhythm, shortness of breath, or syncope.


  1. Whyte KF, Addis GJ, Whitesmith R, Reid JL "The mechanism of salbutamol-induced hypokalaemia." Br J Clin Pharmacol 23 (1987): 65-71
  2. Larsson S, Svedmyr N "Bronchodilating effect and side effects of beta2- adrenoceptor stimulants by different modes of administration (tablets, metered aerosol, and combinations thereof). A study with salbutamol inasthmatics." Am Rev Respir Dis 116 (1977): 861-9
  3. Hastwell G, Lambert BE "The effect of oral salbutamol on serum potassium and blood sugar." Br J Obstet Gynaecol 85 (1978): 767-9
  4. "Hypokalaemia due to salbutamol overdosage." Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) 283 (1981): 500-1
  5. Kantola I, Tarssanen L "Hypokalemia from usual salbutamol dosage ." Chest 89 (1986): 619-20
  6. Wong CS, Pavord ID, Williams J, Britton JR, Tattersfield AE "Bronchodilator, cardiovascular, and hypokalaemic effects of fenoterol, salbutamol, and terbutaline in asthma." Lancet 336 (1990): 1396-9
  7. Gross TL, Sokol RJ "Severe hypokalemia and acidosis: a potential complication of beta- adrenergic treatment." Am J Obstet Gynecol 138 (1980): 1225-6
  8. Clifton GD, Hunt BA, Patel RC, Burki NK "Effects of sequential doses of parenteral terbutaline on plasma levels of potassium and related cardiopulmonary responses." Am Rev Respir Dis 141 (1990): 575-9
  9. Hurlbert BJ, Edelman JD, David K "Serum potassium levels during and after terbutaline." Anesth Analg 60 (1981): 723-5
  10. Bengtsson B, Fagerstrom PO "Extrapulmonary effects of terbutaline during prolonged administration." Clin Pharmacol Ther 31 (1982): 726-32
  11. Gelmont DM, Balmes JR, Yee A "Hypokalemia induced by inhaled bronchodilators." Chest 94 (1988): 763-6
  12. Sanders JP, Potter DE, Ellis S, Bee DE, Grant JA "Metabolic and cardiovascular effects of carbuterol and metaproterenol." J Allergy Clin Immunol 60 (1977): 174-9
  13. "Product Information. Proventil (albuterol)." Schering Corporation PROD (2002):
  14. Windom H, Grainger J, Burgess C, Crane J, Pearce N, Beasley R "A comparison of the haemodynamic and hypokalaemic effects of inhaled pirbuterol and salbutamol." N Z Med J 103 (1990): 259-61
  15. "Product Information. Serevent (salmeterol)." Glaxo Wellcome PROD
  16. "Product Information. Maxair (pirbuterol)." 3M Pharmaceuticals PROD (2001):
  17. Dickens GR, Mccoy RA, West R, Stapczynski JS, Clifton GD "Effect of nebulized albuterol on serum potassium and cardiac rhythm in patients with asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease." Pharmacotherapy 14 (1994): 729-33
  18. Tveskov C, Djurhuus MS, Klitgaard NAH, Egstrup K "Potassium and magnesium distribution, ECG changes, and ventricular ectopic beats during beta(2)-adrenergic stimulation with terbutaline in healthy subjects." Chest 106 (1994): 1654-9
  19. Braden GL, vonOeyen PT, Germain MJ, Watson DJ, Haag BL "Ritodrine- and terbutaline-induced hypokalemia in preterm labor: Mechanisms and consequences." Kidney Int 51 (1997): 1867-75
  20. Rakhmanina NY, Kearns GL, Farrar HC "Hypokalemia in an asthmatic child from abuse of albuterol metered dose inhaler." Pediatr Emerg Care 14 (1998): 145-7
  21. "Product Information. Xopenex (levalbuterol)." Sepracor Inc PROD (2001):
  22. "Product Information. Foradil (formoterol)." Novartis Pharmaceuticals PROD (2001):
  23. Ferguson GT, Funck-Brentano C, Fischer T, Darken P, Reisner C "Cardiovascular Safety of Salmeterol in COPD." Chest 123 (2003): 1817-24
  24. Milic M, Bao X, Rizos D, Liu F, Ziegler MG "Literature review and pilot studies of the effect of qt correction formulas on reported beta(2)-agonist-induced QTc prolongation." Clin Ther 28 (2006): 582-90
  25. "Product Information. Brovana (arformoterol)." Sepracor Inc (2006):
  26. Lowe MD, Rowland E, Brown MJ, Grace AA "Beta(2) adrenergic receptors mediate important electrophysiological effects in human ventricular myocardium." Heart 86 (2001): 45-51
  27. Sun ZH, Swan H, Vitasalo M, Toivonen L "Effects of epinephrine and phenylephrine on QT interval dispersion in congenital long QT syndrome." J Am Coll Cardiol 31 (1998): 1400-5
  28. "Product Information. Arcapta Neohaler (indacaterol)." Novartis Pharmaceuticals (2011):
  29. "Product Information. Breo Ellipta (fluticasone-vilanterol)." GlaxoSmithKline (2013):
  30. "Product Information. Striverdi Respimat (olodaterol)." Boehringer Ingelheim (2014):

Drug and Food Interactions

Trazodone + Food

The following applies to the ingredients: Trazodone

GENERALLY AVOID: Alcohol may potentiate some of the pharmacologic effects of CNS-active agents. Use in combination may result in additive central nervous system depression and/or impairment of judgment, thinking, and psychomotor skills.

MANAGEMENT: Patients receiving CNS-active agents should be warned of this interaction and advised to avoid or limit consumption of alcohol. Ambulatory patients should be counseled to avoid hazardous activities requiring complete mental alertness and motor coordination until they know how these agents affect them, and to notify their physician if they experience excessive or prolonged CNS effects that interfere with their normal activities.


  1. Warrington SJ, Ankier SI, Turner P "Evaluation of possible interactions between ethanol and trazodone or amitriptyline." Neuropsychobiology 15 (1986): 31-7
  2. Gilman AG, eds., Nies AS, Rall TW, Taylor P "Goodman and Gilman's the Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics." New York, NY: Pergamon Press Inc. (1990):
  3. "Product Information. Fycompa (perampanel)." Eisai Inc (2012):
  4. "Product Information. Rexulti (brexpiprazole)." Otsuka American Pharmaceuticals Inc (2015):

Ventolin Hfa + Food

The following applies to the ingredients: Albuterol (found in Ventolin Hfa)

MONITOR: Coadministration of two or more sympathomimetic agents may increase the risk of adverse effects such as nervousness, irritability, and increased heart rate. Central nervous system (CNS) stimulants, particularly amphetamines, can potentiate the adrenergic response to vasopressors and other sympathomimetic agents. Additive increases in blood pressure and heart rate may occur due to enhanced peripheral sympathetic activity.

MANAGEMENT: Caution is advised if two or more sympathomimetic agents are coadministered. Pulse and blood pressure should be closely monitored.


  1. Rosenblatt JE, Lake CR, van Kammen DP, Ziegler MG, Bunney WE Jr "Interactions of amphetamine, pimozide, and lithium on plasma norepineophrine and dopamine-beta-hydroxylase in schizophrenic patients." Psychiatry Res 1 (1979): 45-52
  2. Cavanaugh JH, Griffith JD, Oates JA "Effect of amphetamine on the pressor response to tyramine: formation of p-hydroxynorephedrine from amphetamine in man." Clin Pharmacol Ther 11 (1970): 656
  3. "Product Information. Adderall (amphetamine-dextroamphetamine)." Shire Richwood Pharmaceutical Company Inc PROD (2001):
  4. "Product Information. Tenuate (diethylpropion)." Aventis Pharmaceuticals PROD (2001):
  5. "Product Information. Sanorex (mazindol)." Novartis Pharmaceuticals PROD (2001):
  6. "Product Information. Focalin (dexmethylphenidate)." Mikart Inc (2001):
  7. "Product Information. Strattera (atomoxetine)." Lilly, Eli and Company (2002):

Drug and Pregnancy Interactions

The following applies to the ingredients: Trazodone

This drug should be used during pregnancy only if the benefit outweighs the risk to the fetus.
-Some experts recommend: Use with caution; use should be avoided during the first trimester of pregnancy.

US FDA pregnancy category: C

Comment: When this drug is used until delivery, newborns should be monitored for the occurrence of withdrawal symptoms.

Animal studies have revealed evidence of increased fetal resorption and congenital anomalies in adolescents. Other animal models have failed to reveal evidence of adverse effects on embryofetal development, parturition, or postnatal development when given at therapeutic doses. There are no controlled data in human pregnancy.

US FDA pregnancy category C: Animal reproduction studies have shown an adverse effect on the fetus and there are no adequate and well-controlled studies in humans, but potential benefits may warrant use of the drug in pregnant women despite potential risks.


  1. "Product Information. Desyrel (trazodone)." Bristol-Myers Squibb PROD (2001):
  2. Cerner Multum, Inc. "UK Summary of Product Characteristics." O 0

The following applies to the ingredients: Albuterol (found in Ventolin Hfa)

The manufacturer makes no recommendation regarding use during pregnancy.

AU TGA pregnancy category: A
US FDA pregnancy category: Not assigned

-There are no randomized clinical studies of albuterol use during pregnancy, but available information on pregnancy exposure by inhalation do not consistently show miscarriage or major birth defects.
-This drug is known to cross the placental barrier, as evidenced by increases in fetal heart rate.
-Beta-agonists, including this drug, may potentially interfere with uterine contractility.
-In women with poorly or moderately controlled asthma, there is an increased risk of preeclampsia in the mother and prematurity, low birth weight, and small for gestational age in the neonate. Pregnant women should be closely monitored and the dose adjusted as necessary to maintain optimal control.
-In some countries, intravenous injection presentations of this drug have been approved for delay pre-term labor (tocolytic agent) and should not be used in the management of uncomplicated premature labor.

Epidemiological studies and postmarketing case reports following inhaled administration of this drug do not consistently demonstrate a risk of major birth defects or miscarriage. In animal reproduction studies, subcutaneous administration to pregnant mice evidence of cleft palate at less than and up to 9 times the maximum recommended human daily inhalation dose (MRHDID). A study in pregnant rats demonstrated that drug-related material was transferred from the maternal circulation to the fetus. There are no controlled data in human pregnancy.
During worldwide marketing experience, various congenital anomalies, including cleft palate and limb defects, have been reported in the offspring of patients being treated with this drug. Some of the mothers were taking multiple medications during their pregnancies. A relationship between the use of this drug and congenital anomalies has not been established. Profuse uterine bleeding following spontaneous abortion has been reported after the use of this drug. Special care is required in pregnant diabetic women. The background birth defect and miscarriage risk for the indicated population is not known. In the US general population, the estimated major birth defect risk is 2 to 4% and the miscarriage risk is 15 to 20%.

A pregnancy exposure registry monitors outcomes after exposure to asthma medications during pregnancy. For more information, contact the Mothers To Baby Pregnancy Studies conducted by the Organization of Teratology Information Specialists at

AU TGA pregnancy category A: Drugs which have been taken by a large number of pregnant women and women of childbearing age without any proven increase in the frequency of malformations or other direct or indirect harmful effects on the fetus having been observed.

US FDA pregnancy category Not Assigned: The US FDA has amended the pregnancy labeling rule for prescription drug products to require labeling that includes a summary of risk, a discussion of the data supporting that summary, and relevant information to help health care providers make prescribing decisions and counsel women about the use of drugs during pregnancy. Pregnancy categories A, B, C, D, and X are being phased out.


  1. Lunell NO, Joelsson I, Bjorkman U, Lamb P, Persson B "The use of salbutamol in obstetrics." Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 55 (1976): 333-6
  2. Davies AE, Robertson MJ "Pulmonary oedema after the administration of intravenous salbutamol and ergometrine. Case report." Br J Obstet Gynaecol 87 (1980): 539-41
  3. Watson NA, Morgan B "Pulmonary oedema and salbutamol in preterm labour. Case report and literature review." Br J Obstet Gynaecol 96 (1989): 1445-8
  4. Lind T, Godfrey KA, Gerrard J, Bryson MR "Continuous salbutamol infusion over 17 weeks to pre-empt premature labour." Lancet 2 (1980): 1165-6
  5. Tan SN "Peri-partum pulmonary oedema." Anaesth Intensive Care 19 (1991): 111-3
  6. Hawker F "Five cases of pulmonary oedema associated with beta 2-sympathomimetic treatment of premature labour." Anaesth Intensive Care 12 (1984): 159-62
  7. Martin AJ "Severe unwanted effects associated with betasympathomimetics when used in the treatment of premature labour: causes, incidence and preventative measures." Br J Clin Pract 35 (1981): 325-9
  8. "Product Information. Proventil (albuterol)." Schering Corporation PROD (2002):
  9. "Product Information. Ventolin (albuterol)." Glaxo Wellcome PROD (2002):
  10. Rayburn WF, Atkinson BD, Gilbert K, Turnbull GL "Short-term effects of inhaled albuterol on maternal and fetal circulations." Am J Obstet Gynecol 171 (1994): 770-3
  11. Mcdonald CF, Burdon JGW "Asthma in pregnancy and lactation - a position paper for the thoracic society of australia and new zealand." Med J Aust 165 (1996): 485-8
  12. Dombrowski MP "Pharmacologic therapy of asthma during pregnancy." Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am 24 (1997): 559
  13. Cerner Multum, Inc. "UK Summary of Product Characteristics." O 0
  14. Cerner Multum, Inc. "Australian Product Information." O 0
  15. "Product Information. Albuterol Extended Release (albuterol)." Dava Pharmaceuticals Inc (2022):
  16. "Product Information. Albuterol Sulfate (albuterol)." Vista Pharm Inc (2022):
  17. "Product Information. Albuterol (albuterol)." Physicians Total Care (2022):

Drug and Breastfeeding Interactions

The following applies to the ingredients: Trazodone

A decision should be made to discontinue breastfeeding or discontinue the drug, taking into account the importance of the drug to the mother.
-Some experts recommend: Caution is recommended.

Excreted into human milk: Yes

-The effects in the nursing infant are unknown.
-The American Academy of Pediatrics considers this agent a drug for which the effect on nursing infants is unknown but may be of concern.


  1. "Product Information. Desyrel (trazodone)." Bristol-Myers Squibb PROD (2001):
  2. Cerner Multum, Inc. "UK Summary of Product Characteristics." O 0
  3. Briggs GG, Freeman RK. "Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation." Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health (2015):

The following applies to the ingredients: Albuterol (found in Ventolin Hfa)

The manufacturer makes no recommendation regarding use during lactation.

Excreted into human milk: Unknown
Excreted into animal milk: Data not available

-There is no information regarding this drug on the presence in human milk, the effects on a breastfed infant, or effects on milk production.
-Consider the developmental and health benefits of breastfeeding along with the mother's clinical need for this medication as well as any potential adverse effects from this drug or the underlying maternal condition.


  1. "Product Information. Proventil (albuterol)." Schering Corporation PROD (2002):
  2. "Product Information. Ventolin (albuterol)." Glaxo Wellcome PROD (2002):
  3. Mcdonald CF, Burdon JGW "Asthma in pregnancy and lactation - a position paper for the thoracic society of australia and new zealand." Med J Aust 165 (1996): 485-8
  4. Cerner Multum, Inc. "UK Summary of Product Characteristics." O 0
  5. Cerner Multum, Inc. "Australian Product Information." O 0
  6. "Product Information. Albuterol Extended Release (albuterol)." Dava Pharmaceuticals Inc (2022):
  7. "Product Information. Albuterol Sulfate (albuterol)." Vista Pharm Inc (2022):
  8. "Product Information. Albuterol (albuterol)." Physicians Total Care (2022):

Therapeutic Duplication Warnings

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Therapeutic duplication warnings are only returned when drugs within the same group exceed the recommended therapeutic duplication maximum.

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Drug Interaction Classification

These classifications are only a guideline. The relevance of a particular drug interaction to a specific individual is difficult to determine. Always consult your healthcare provider before starting or stopping any medication.

Major Highly clinically significant. Avoid combinations; the risk of the interaction outweighs the benefit.
Moderate Moderately clinically significant. Usually avoid combinations; use it only under special circumstances.
Minor Minimally clinically significant. Minimize risk; assess risk and consider an alternative drug, take steps to circumvent the interaction risk and/or institute a monitoring plan.
Unknown No interaction information available.

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